Tribute Caregiver Hamwantie smiling Celebrating Caregiving
Home » Celebrating Caregiving » Introducing the Share the Care Referral Program
November 9, 2021

Introducing the Share the Care Referral Program

We all know that personal referrals often make the best new hires.  More than 50% of our Caregivers today came to us through a personal referral from another Caregiver.   We love the fact that so many of our Caregivers love to share the Tribute experience with others.

With that in mind, we wanted to do something special to improve our referral program.  We came up with “Share the Care”, a program that makes a donation to charity for every Caregiver referral, whether they are hired or not.

Here’s how it works.  When a Tribute Caregiver shares a job opening with a friend, Tribute will make a $10 donation to charity for each referral, whether they are hired or not.  If they are hired, we pay an additional bonus for each hire when they are placed.

Caregivers are running the whole thing.  They’ll choose the charity we donate to through a voting process, and even select where the money goes.

We appreciate all our Caregivers do, and we hope this brings something special to our popular referral program.

To help caregivers think about making a quality referral, we turned to the best for help.  Nuhu shares his expertise in this video: