Tribute’s Charity Initiatives
Tribute has several initiatives to recognize the charitable causes important to our Caregivers and give back to the community. We listen to what’s important to our Caregivers and we make it our priority.

Recognizing Caregivers Referrals
The “Share the Care” program was created to make our Caregiver employee referral program more meaningful. During our “Share the Care” events throughout the year, Tribute donates to a charity for every referral our Caregivers send us – whether they are hired or not.
To us, it’s the thought that counts. We appreciate any time one of our Caregivers thinks enough of us to refer us to their friends and family members. This is in addition to the standard referral bonus paid when a referral is hired.

Charities Selected by Caregivers
At the beginning of each “Share the Care” period, we let the Caregiver community vote to select the charity we support. If the charity lets you select how the money is used, we ask our Caregivers to determine how the donation is applied.
Supporting children is important to our Caregivers. They’ve chosen to support UNICEF multiple times, and we’ve recently added St Jude’s Children’s Hospital.

Recognizing Our Partners
The strength of our partnerships with care managers, communities, hospitals, and other organizations helping seniors is very important to us. To celebrate all you do to grow the Tribute family, we feel the most meaningful recognition is an additional donation to the charities important to our team.
Every quarter, we select the partners who’ve had the most impact on our business, and we make a donation in their name to the charity selected by our Caregivers in “Share the Care”.
Lifting Each Other’s Spirits
“Remarkable Caregivers, Lifted Spirits” is our mission. It’s important that we’re lifting the spirits of everyone we connect with every day. We hope the charitable donations made to these important causes help lift the spirits of our Caregivers and the valued partners who help us bring Tribute to more families.